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1. Shallow and Deep Foundation Design for Various Structures |
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- Site Survey, Soil Investigation, Site Preparation
- Analysis of Insitu and Lab Test for Geotechnical Engineering
- Equipment support foundation, Spread type and Pile type
- Pile Foundation for Marine Structures and Various Structures
2. Slope Stability & Temporary Work Design for Structures |
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- Analysis for Slope Stability and Stabilized Earth and Concrete Retaining Wall
- Analysis of Temporary Structures using Sheet Pile and Earth Materials
- Practical Considerations in Cofferdams Design
3. Improving Site Soils for Foundation Use |
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- Site Survey, Soil Investigation, Site Preparation
- Soil Improvement Methods for Structural Foundation & Site Purposed
- Compaction / Preloading / Drainage / Insitu Reinforcement / Grouting / Chemical Stabilization