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1. Ç÷£Æ® ¹× ±¸Á¶ºÐ¾ß |
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- Drainage System database±¸Ãà ¹× ¼³°è ÀÚµ¿È
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2. Ç׸¸ ¹× offshore ºÐ¾ß |
- Wave Transformation Analysis Wave force generation and application
- Breakwater Standard and optimization Study
- Offshore fixed and floating structure ¼³°è ±â¼ú ȹµæ
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3. Seawater Intake System |
- Feasible Type Case Study for seawater intake system
- Thermal dispersion and wave transformation study
- Basic and detail design for Seawater intake basin and Breakwater system
4. Geotechnical Engineering |
- Evaluation of onshore and offshore subsurface investigation
- Soil improvement methodology
- Spreading foundation and Pile foundation design
- Pile capacity evaluation and load test, Pile Driving Analysis